(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 09:28

Uh... I wrote another Grey's Anatomy fic. God damn it! I can't help myself. But hey. Here tis.

Title: Feel
Pairing: Addison/Izzie
Rating: G. It's for all!
Word Count: 466

After Denny, no-one would touch Izzie. For whatever stupid and noble reason, they thought if they touched her, she’d be reminded of him and then she’d have to do it all again. She walked around that hospital for days and not one single person reached out to her. Sometimes it made Izzie feel like she was dead herself, but then the sympathetic glances and awkward how-are-you-doings made her feel sufficiently uncomfortable, and she knew then that they were afraid to touch her.

And that sucked, because all Izzie wanted was for someone to touch her. She wanted something tactile, tangible, something that would make her feel any way but - bad.

Joe’s. That’s where she needed to be. Because if some overly drunk asshole pinched her on the butt as he walked past, it would still be a touch, and it would count more than a million George-and-Meredith glances. But Addison was at the end of the bar, and rather than drink on her own - people would say she was misusing alcohol to drown her sorrows, but to hell with that - she sat at the stool next to her.

“My marriage is over,” slurred Addison. It was only a slight slur. She beckoned for two more drinks, which the two promptly knocked back. Izzie motioned for a second, and Addison was happy to wait for her to catch up.

“But at least I got married,” she said, frowning at her skewed reflection in the shot glass. “I’m sorry, Izzie. Sorry you never got to have the married thing. Because when it’s good, it’s good.” Then she did what no-one at Seattle Grace could bring themselves to do. She touched her. Lightly, on the shoulder, as a means of comfort. Even though there was next to no pressure from Addison’s hand, Izzie felt it like an electric shock, because now she knew she wasn’t dead, wasn’t dreaming, wasn’t a social leper for having fallen in love and gotten engaged to a man who was dying, and she knew that people still touched one another.

She leaned her head toward Addison and rested it gently on her shoulder, savouring the fact that she was feeling something for the first time since he went and died on her. Even though she still felt it was her fault, because she cut the god damn wires. But Addison would get that, because she cheated on Derek first, so then, maybe the two of them had both messed it up for themselves.

Izzie pushed the complicated thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the fact that Addison was stroking her hair softly, soothing away tears she didn’t even know had begun to fall, and although Izzie’s heart was breaking all over again, she didn’t mind, because this time, she could feel it.

slash, fic, writing, greys, izzie

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