Over and Over: 15. Silence

Jan 10, 2010 16:01

Title: Over and Over: 15. Silence
Characters/Pairing: Ianto/Jack, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Spoilers: None
Warnings: slight language
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 15. Silence
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Uh, crack-ish. Hopefully amusing (well, it amused me and my roommate anyway). Humdedum. Yes. So, enjoy.

{Story Time|

15. Silence

Ianto worried his bottom lip as he strode manly into Jack’s office. “Jack.” He said, “I uh, think there’s a problem.”

Jack looked up and his eyes soaked in Ianto’s manly form, as he is a man, “What might that be?”

“I keep hearing a narrator.” Ianto swallowed, worried for his mental health.

Jack gasped, “Oh thank God! I thought it was just me.”

“You mean you hear it too?” Ianto asked, leaning in a very sultry way against Jack’s desk. Jack then wanted to take Ianto on the desk right then and maybe do a few kinky things with the manly mouth- “Why is everything about me manly?”

Jack shrugged, “I’ve no idea. And I did not want to take you on the desk right then and do a few kinky thing with your mouth until I heard the narrator say it.” And Jack cannot claim he didn’t have those thoughts, he probably just didn’t realize he had them. For Ianto is in the office looking very regal and manly.

“Oh, I’m regal as well.” Ianto said thoughtfully. And he was, for he had on a purple tie in the regal-type look and not the Artist Formerly Known As-type.

Jack stood up and we all began to wonder what was wrong with his pants, “My pants?” Yes, because there is no reason for both a belt and suspenders. No sane reason. It detracted from his ruggedly rough and rouge-ish rain retinas filled with rage and wrath. “What? I’m not even angry.” But there are no ‘r’ sounding words that mean good things for my alliteration.

“Rainbows, ravishing, radiant-” Ianto started, standing in a manly stance.

Jack then interrupted Ianto’s manly list of good ‘r’ words, “Randy! Oh. That’s a good one. I’m randy for you Ianto.” For he was, who couldn’t fall for the manly Welshman? “Right. Lets go see if we’re the only ones plagued-” Plagued, really? Why are you so mean to me? Surely it’s not a plague, but more of a fantastical time, “-by the voice.”

The two men walked down into the main area of the hub where the rest of team sat at their computers doing their work like good employees. Even though they really weren’t. See, Gwen is on eBay and Owen’s on WoW while Tosh is bored and trying to hack into some secret place or hell, I don’t know what the place is, for all I know Toshiko is trying to break into the airports computer for some evil scheme and- “That’s enough of that.” Jack said, voice scolding.

“I’m guessing you heard that too?” Owen said, looking up from his game, which he shouldn’t be playing! He should be working like a good employee should while Jack and Ianto go somewhere and have manly and regally rugged sex!

“I said that was enough.” Jack said again. “We don’t need a voice tattling on everyone or trying to get me to sex up Ianto, I do well on that bit by myself.” Oh yeah you do.

“Whatever it is,” Tosh said, closing down the window and destroying the evidence of her evil scheme, “it seems fond of you two.”

Jack nodded, “Seems to be more fond of Ianto than me. Though doesn’t seem to hate me.” For who could hate Jack? I mean, look at those teeth! “Right.” Jack clapped his smooth silky slithery slinky sultry shapely hands together. “We need to find out what the hell this is and get rid of it.” What?! You’re getting rid of me?! How could you, Jack! After all I allowed you to get in a relationship with my manly Welshman!

“You allowed him?” Ianto asked, raising a regal eyebrow. And yes. I did. You’re mine, you are. “I think you’ll find I don’t belong to you.” That’s what you think. “No, it’s the truth,” Ianto paused and sighed, “I’m arguing with a voice.” His own voice sounded rather dull and despondent in a detached way, which isn‘t good.

“Yeah, I’m rather sick of listening to it go on about how wonderful Ianto is.” Owen growled out in a rude manner. For he’s a fucker. And what Owen didn’t know is that every morn Ianto has been slowly poisoning Owen’s coffee-

“No I don’t.” Ianto said. “Apologize to Owen.” Ianto was right, he doesn’t poison Owen’s coffee. And really, Owen is a nice guy, just a bit rough around the edges and bit hard to get to know, but deep down, he’s like a very cuddly pillow.

“Right. I think the voice is having mood swings.” Owen said, raising an eyebrow. Though his eyebrow raise isn’t as manly as Ianto’s, it is nice as all eyebrow raises tend to be nice. Along with pay raises, hint hint Jack.

“Hm.” Tosh nodded, “That would be nice. At least a bonus? There are these shoes at the shop that I fell in love with.” Because who can run after aliens in heels? Toshiko Sato can. And that’s just amazing. I wish I could do that. “Oh. Thanks. I guess.” Tosh replied slowly, unsure on what she should say as she was picturing Ianto and Jack standing close to each other in a rather naked manner- “No I wasn’t.” Tosh protested. “Why do you like Ianto so much?” Well who wouldn’t?

“I kinda want to know too.” Owen said, “Why teaboy?” And if he thought about it, he’d know that it was because Ianto, in all his manly and regal ways, is the one who had touched me- “He what?” Touched me. It was glorious.

“Ianto,” Jack started, “What have you touched today?”

Ianto tilted his head slightly, trying to think of everything he had manhandled with his manly hands, “Well, I was in the achieves for a while today, and we had gone on the rift alert.” He paused, “When we got back Tosh asked me to bring up some stuff from the archives.” He shrugged his broad and regal shoulders.

“I think I found it,” Gwen said. For she had somehow snuck away like a sneaky rat while the others were busy talking and so she found a rather red device shaped like a trapezoid sitting on a table with many other devices. Gwen was pointing at the red trapezoid, so that the other’s knew what one she was talking about. “It’s got a blinking light that flashes faster when we hear the voice.”

“So it does.” Jack said, thoughtfully. “Well, what’s this here?” He pointed to a button that had some alien language on it, an alien language that no one knew, “Excuse me.” Yes? “I know what it says.” … oh. You do? “Yes.” …oh. This isn’t good.

“What does it say?” My regal Ianto said in his manly voice.

“It translates best to ‘silence’.” Jack said. And he reached out with his hand even though he shouldn’t because the button is broke! It’s broke! I won’t work, the silence button is a sham! It’s fake! It’s not re-

{Oh my, there's more|

the voice, torchwoodoctorwho, narrator, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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