Title: Only the Heaven's know our secret Author: onthethruway Length: one shot pairings: yoomin Genre: smut, bandfic Rating: nc-17 to be safe Summary: just lots of angst; passionate love in a rain storm.
*purrs contentedly* very nice unnie...that was quite...yummy. you are turning me into a yoomin fan, you evil woman you XD
my bf was mildly surprised when i jumped him with no warning.....i didn't tell him, but it was totally your fault...you are corrupting me with your decadent stories.... *wicked grin*
oh and btw...there really is no other couple for me but Yoomin......the others are cool...but it's def Yoomin ftw, always. Yoosu comes close, but Susu is so sweet, I hate writing about him in these situations. Although I have to admit, I did enjoy his little "practice" session with the Pimp.
Comments 8
very intense and hot
It left me with an itch I need to scratch!
(The comment has been removed)
my bf was mildly surprised when i jumped him with no warning.....i didn't tell him, but it was totally your fault...you are corrupting me with your decadent stories.... *wicked grin*
oh and btw...there really is no other couple for me but Yoomin......the others are cool...but it's def Yoomin ftw, always.
Yoosu comes close, but Susu is so sweet, I hate writing about him in these situations. Although I have to admit, I did enjoy his little "practice" session with the Pimp.
It's hard to think of Yoochun as a seme but ... damn. I liked this.
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