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Comments 6

kapuki234 April 7 2013, 01:13:24 UTC
while it would hurt in the beginning, if my close friend's career took off from a platform that i've introduced her to, i would be proud of her.

kyle's bitter imo.


jojo342 April 7 2013, 03:25:22 UTC
who the fuck would watch that asshole and her husband.

It would be like Kim Z's show only 1,000x more vile.

Also, Bravo knows that everyone hates Kyle. They're not going to give her a spinoff.


arista_artisan April 7 2013, 17:48:01 UTC
Doesn't Bravo already have Million Dollar Listing? Da fuq do they need another real estate show for? Unless, it was cancelled and they were relying on the BH connection to carry this new show. Anyway, this isn't the first I'm hearing of Kyle shooting a spinoff and I do believe Kyle is that petty, but the concept of the show was poor anyhow.


__redrightankle April 8 2013, 00:53:11 UTC
I think any person would be hurt and upset after losing out on an opportunity but that's no reason to not be supportive of a friend. I would learn to move on from the loss and then be happy and supportive! did she honestly think her show would be better tho??? like REALLY?


tadashee April 8 2013, 03:25:20 UTC
the sur people are gross and stupid, but at least there was a plot separate to what is already on the show. the whole spin off thing is getting ridiculous. I will go through their twitters on each premiere, and it is so annoying when they retweet people wanting them to have a spin off. Dr V. from LA shrinks did that recently, and i just want to shake her and say " there already IS a show about you!" the VPR cast does it a lot too. Marissa from BH did it too. bitch, you cant even become a cast member and you want a spin off?
Kyle, got mauricio's business featured on the show, wtf do you want a spin off for? so we can see more of you..no thanks.

when VPR aired, I was bummed there was no ken. I am here for ken.


speedychi April 8 2013, 10:15:32 UTC
lol marissa? really??


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