anyone remember this? aka the moment we all speculated that kelly was on meth

Apr 12, 2015 20:25

ok i guess that's rhetorical, bc how could anyone forget scary island, but this particular moment i mean:

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rhony, kelly is krazy, sonja morgan, scary island and meth galore, kelly bensimon, satchels of meth & gold & al sharpton

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Comments 26

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affliction April 12 2015, 19:34:56 UTC
were you not watching when scary island originally aired? the discussion posts were still on ontd at the time and everyone was speculating that kelly was on meth bc of sonja's cat urine comment in kelly's room

idk sorry lol. i've just been rewatching rhony and i'm on scary island now so idk idk


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affliction April 12 2015, 19:44:24 UTC
gurl you would have to ask her, not me! she was the one allegedly doing meth so only she knows the true answer~

but honestly what other explanation is there for what the fuck happened to her during that trip? because she went INSANE. i feel like meth is a feasible reason for what was going on tbh

but oooh this convo is making me want vicodin rn ngl #yikes


kim_zolciak April 12 2015, 19:31:05 UTC

... )


affliction April 12 2015, 19:35:32 UTC
a long ass time ago


raimber April 12 2015, 20:03:40 UTC
So is Avery is 19 or 20 now


affliction April 12 2015, 20:04:49 UTC
20 i'm pretty sure


not_kosher April 12 2015, 20:45:40 UTC
oh shit


jojo342 April 12 2015, 21:18:00 UTC
what is this systematic bullying rn

she had a breakthrough, not a breakdown

kelly's anti bullying video.mp4


fenchurchly April 12 2015, 21:23:50 UTC
I just re-watched these episodes too! And I remember those posts. I wish someone had really dished about what went down on Scary Island with the producers escorting Kelly back to NYC, etc...


kim_zolciak April 12 2015, 22:35:22 UTC
and the other women asked for ARMED bodyguards outside their rooms!


popartpistol April 13 2015, 02:20:31 UTC
I NEEEEED a secrets revealed ep from Scary Island. I don't even care that it's like, 5 years later. I need it.


fenchurchly April 13 2015, 02:22:12 UTC
This is the best we're gonna get, I think :(.


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