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Comments 28

a_files06 March 12 2015, 20:24:10 UTC

... )


affliction March 12 2015, 20:24:20 UTC
i'm gonna read this all at some point but for right now: MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER? that's a pretty big accusation to make, especially for someone who will fly off the handle if she's accused of drinking too much. i hate brandi so fucking much.

semi-ot (DAVE THIS IS A BAT SIGNAL): but does anyone have the full wwhl episode from last night where shania twain was the guest? i'm so pissed i missed it and i can only find 2min clips from her episode, not the entire 30min thing. ANYONE??? HELP PLS

“We see Eileen get bent out of shape when people accept apologies, make peace, and agree to go shopping for a day. I guess it doesn’t fit her dramatic agenda." oh give me a FUCKING. BREAK. she didn't get "bent out of shape" she literally just confronted what EVERYONE was ignoring. she addressed the elephant in the room; that's not being "bent out of shape" rmfe


kapuki234 March 12 2015, 20:26:07 UTC
bitch thinks because she has her own mental problems she's got a license to diagnose people


affliction March 12 2015, 20:33:20 UTC
and it's extremely hypocritical bc nooooo it's NOT OKAY when someone says to her that she might be drinking too much, or that she's an "angry drunk", but it's okay for her to diagnose or make accusations about OTHER people? this. bitch.


a_files06 March 12 2015, 20:40:18 UTC

... )


forlornreverie March 12 2015, 22:03:15 UTC
Brandi can't see how emotionally abusive and manipulative Kim is to Kyle because Brandi herself is emotionally abusive and manipulative to everyone around her. She's completely delusional. Kim "speaking up" about Kyle not being supportive is manipulative when Kim is playing Brandi and Kyle against each other. Kim saying to Kyle that Kathy would "never do that, she'd be a REAL sister" is straight up emotional abuse and manipulation. Brandi needs to take several seats. Preferably, far, far away from any Bravo cameras.


affliction March 12 2015, 22:13:57 UTC
ia 10000000000000% with everything you said


kapuki234 March 13 2015, 02:20:07 UTC
toxic people feed off and attract one another and that's what's happening with kim and brandi


emmanium March 12 2015, 22:58:53 UTC
"This Emmy winner clearly needed her moment and had to pull out the soap opera acting card by interrupting me dramatically. She cut me off and stole the scene to try and make it all about her, instead of all us having a moment to agree we’ve all been stuck with unfair labels at one time or another. Eileen’s constant LAME soap opera dramatics and “How dare yous!” can be filed under fake bad acting and completely exhausting."

LMAO WHAT. Didn't she just fangirl over Eileen some episodes ago? And now she's saying this. RME.

HDU, Eileen's soap opera moments are fucking fantastic.


fubukihakuryu March 13 2015, 06:01:17 UTC
I hate how people give her credit for "owning up" to her shitty behavior. It doesn't mean shit if you don't change yourself for the better. If anything, if you acknowledge you make asshole moves and you don't make a change, it makes you a shittier person.


emmanium March 13 2015, 13:21:39 UTC

It's like, first she's all "I keep it real, I own it" and then (literally in the next episode) she's all victim and "why can't I speak my mind when everyone else can". Such bullshit.


(The comment has been removed)

emmanium March 13 2015, 18:59:23 UTC
yeah, exactly.


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