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Comments 7

powerbottom June 6 2013, 05:07:10 UTC
omfg I read it fast and said it was her and her sister with another man

I was like jfc why would u even say that


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powerbottom June 6 2013, 05:09:54 UTC
omg we did. I was .2 seconds faster tho~


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musicnextdoor June 6 2013, 05:37:36 UTC
There have been rumors about Vicki and random dudes during insurance conventions, making out in bars and stuff like that. Half the time she acts prudish and easily scandalized but then (on lots of occasions) she'll get drunk and be the one urging people to loosen up. I vaguely remember some trip with Brianna where Vicki was trying to get her to go get drunk and whoop it up with her. And there was a trip she took to see her son at college when she acted really embarrassing - like she thought she was his frat brother or something. She did a keg stand, for example. And the only people besides Vicki I've heard refer to their "love tank" are douchebros; maybe she picked it up from one. Donn is in a swinger's resort/club now, and maybe was before. They might have had an open marriage. I think she cares about having a "good", nicey-nice reputation, but behavior during conventions/on vacation doesn't count, everyone knows that! (I don't really think that, but some people seem to ( ... )


escapetheroom June 6 2013, 05:30:59 UTC
I love that gif (and the other one of her too) i cant help but lol

also likely excuse vicki....just in bed with your sister watching movies, thats easily mistaken for a threesome.


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