Communications officer reports incoming fill-in-the-blank stationary!

Aug 26, 2009 22:44

HAY YOU GUISE LOOK WHAT I FOUND. Or, to be more precise, I came across it here.

Have you ever wondered how you'd apologize for destroying someone's home world, or wish to let people know that the time to discuss Vulcan biology approaches, or tell someone that, really, while it's a rocky relationship he's still your favorite toy, or that you feel so very alone now BECAUSE A CERTAIN CAPTAIN GOT ALL YOUR FRIENDS KILLED? And without wasting any time that's better spent with posting on ONTD_STARTREK with long-winded letters no one ever finishes?


"To promote better understanding between the peoples of the world galaxies, the bureau of communication is pleased to present a selection of fill-in-the-blank stationary for everyday correspondence."

So that's what I came up with. What do you suave MoFo's have to communicate? Go to the bureau of communication AND GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST. ALL COMMUNICATION CHANNELS OPEN !
Edit: Is anyone having difficulties saving the image? If so, just click on send but you don't need to send it; you can just right-click and save the image and then change the file extension to .jpg - et voila! :D

Aaaaaand because I just found the video to the audio track I've been listening to countless time...

image Click to view

Edited because that wasn't the video I wanted to embed AT ALL.

other misc old trekkie shit

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