ZQ + DT = too much GQ for you to handle!

Jun 17, 2009 23:58

I just posted this in my journal for picspammy Challenge #10 but thought it'd be relevant to this comm's interests too! ;)

So what do these two fine specimens of manhood and all round GQMFs have in common apart from both starring in recent successful sci-fi reboots? Well, lets just say that they both occasionally make 'interesting' fashion choices, yet somehow always manage to pull off whatever they're wearing.

I thought we should start with a classic!

Yes, David Tennant owns a motherfo'ing red velvet suit! You wish you were this pimpin'. I, for one, absolutely adore this suit and the fact that he wears the jacket from it quite a lot. Probably one of the reasons why Arabella Weir calls him 'the gayest straight man [she] knows' though!

And it seems he can't get enough of that velvet stuff:

Yes, that is a diamante storm trooper on his t-shirt! I♥himSFM!

[Matches the upholstery - lolz]

And here's that jacket again but this time teamed with a green flowery shirt. Oh David.

What's that you say? Flowery shirts?

With added patterned tie. I mostly want to applaud him for having the confidence to wear this...and warn him not to ever wear it around David because he'd blatantly steal it! ;)

"Yeah you know you want a closer look at this shirt baby!"
Well to be quite honest Zach I think it would look better on my floor. ;)

Not to be outdone, David also has these in his hefty arsenal:

Fairly tame by his standards.

I do like that green jumper, but if only we could see the full glory of this shirt!

Now we're back in business! Even though this is a photoshoot so he was technically told to wear this by a stylist, I maintain that it is exactly the sort of thing he would take home with him (and I swear I've read something to that effect somewhere!).

Plus this looks like the same shirt!

Oh hello, is that the jacket from the infamous Red Nose Day suit?

Of course it is! [I bloody love those shoes.]

And talking of white jackets:

Ripped jeans Zachary? Seriously? I also wish a better photo existed where we could see what's on his t-shirt more clearly. And I think this is possibly the gayest outfit I have ever seen him wearing!


This one does take some beating! Pink AND camoflage. Oh Zachary.

Meanwhile, David decides it's time to break out the shiny grey suit with pink pinstripes!

[Also, beard? Non merci.]

And various other 'interesting' shirts:

[This facial expression? DO WANT.]

Same shirt, now with tweed jacket. Well he is Scottish so perhaps we can forgive him? ;)

And here's that jacket again:

With an orange spacehopper t-shirt. <3

And a rather superfluous bit of raggedy scarf thing. [Oh yeah, I could totally take on ZQ in that English language mastery battle!]

Anyway, talking of Scottish...let's bring out the plaid!

[Gold iPhone FTW!]

My eyes! Sorry Zach but I think David wins that one.

And now, what you've all been waiting for, BATTLE OF THE FUG HATS!

[Also, lol @ his shorts]

Zach obviously has issues with putting on clothes the right way round. <3

Oh good Lord the stripes! Normally I think they suit him (cf those American Apparel hoodies) but this is a bit much! [Yay for Noah's GQ scarf though.]

Zach also clearly has issues with belts and ties:

I don't think these shoes help either. ;)

And with layering:

[That's blatantly one of Chris Pine's cardigans though. *cough*]

David & Zach both also clearly like to co-ordinate with their boyfriends BFFs! ;)

* Both men are completely comfortable in their own skins so can therefore get away with wearing clothes veering from the slightly suspect to the ridiculous.
* Having a more unique and interesting style is totally sexy.
* Their dorkitude never fails to make me want to glomp them at the same time as dragging them into the nearest dark alley to have my wicked way with them.
* They are both total GQMFs!


* david-tennant.com
* davidtennnantfan.com
* tennantively.org
* zach-quinto.net
* ontd_startrek

best post ever, zach quinto/spock, picspams

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