More Spoilers from Comic-Con

Jul 26, 2010 18:20

a_way_of_sin and I went through the Comic-Con round table and press interviews that were released throughout the night, looking for spoilers that weren't posted here yesterday. Here's what we found!

Note: Some are clarifications/expansions on previous information, but we figured they were worth posting!

Kripke: S6 will have a different feel. Grittier, more noir, lots of twists.

Jared: They're not nixing the religion stuff in the show, but now it's just a part of the of their lives/the story, not the whole story.

Jared: Sam and Dean aren't just fighting monsters, they're fighting the "alphas" of the monsters.

Edlund: Raphael still exists and is quite irritated from last year.

Sera: There's no way to return to the "youth" of the boys in S1&2; Sam and Dean are more like war-hardened veterans now.

Jared: In 6.01, Dean is upset Sam didn't tell him he was back and that he was in a lot of pain, reading every book trying to bring Sam back. Sam points out Dean promised he wouldn't dwell on Sam's death and says he shouldn't have broken his promise, and Dean's taken aback. But to Sam, taking Dean away from his new family is heartless. He wanted Dean to remain blissfully unaware. "They have some things to work out."

**** NOTE: I highly recommend watching the first 3 and a half minutes of the video for a lot of insight on Sam and Sam & Dean's reunion in S6! Jared goes on and on about it and it's quite interesting, albeit difficult to summarize (as you can see from the spoiler above and the one below this. lol.)

Jared: S6 Sam is kind of like S1 Dean. Sam is now more tactically driven than emotionally. (Shoot first, ask questions later; Accepts collateral damage; Makes decisions for the greater good.) He's not evil, but changed.

Edlund: Re: relationships -- Dean has a life and a marriage (note: not sure it's true as no one else said it, but Edlund uses the word in two different videos...) he's trying to protect, but Sam is in a different state: He comes out of hell "lighter", will "play the field" more than he ever has.

Sera: There are family members Sam and Dean knew nothing about (not the ones the YED killed!), they're "monster specialists" from a long line of hunters. They only work with each other.

Sera: It appears as though there's a parallel between Sam and Dean's situations in the S1 premiere and the S6 premiere, but under the surface things are not what they seem.

Edlund: Wrote 6.03, the episode Castiel returns.

Misha: Cas has something to do with all the monster activity, and so do Heaven and Hell. The season starts out very MOTW but everything ties together in a bigger arc.

Misha: Castiel's emotionally like an angel again, versus the more human Cas at the end of S5. But he's wiser about Earth now.

Misha: The friendship between Castiel and Dean will be more complicated, rife with difficulties.

Misha: Cas won't be the "sidekick" to Dean and Sam he was before. He has his own mission which runs parallel to the Winchesters' story, so he's not there exclusively to help them out.

Misha: The trenchcoat is back! No Cas makeover.

Misha: Cas is still a "fish out of water", the one-liners will be back.

Jim: 6.04 will have a "hot little Japanese demon" that Bobby fights. "She was tough."

Jensen: In 6.04 Dean has an emotional phone call with Bobby about Sam.

All the spoilers are linked to their source videos if you want more clarifications! I did my best to summarize. (JFC Jared rambles!)

For a more organized list of videos/photos from the Con (plus the old spoilers), check out yesterday's Comic-Con summary post!


1000TH POST!!

season 6 (ex-spoilers), conventions, milestone!

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