Thirty pics of Johnny @ the AMA gift lounge

Nov 21, 2010 17:13

Yesterday Johnny went to the AMA Gift Lounge in LA. As a presenter, he gets "shwag." Nice life, eh? ;)

Johnny Weir attends Ubisoft's "Michael Jackson The Experience" At The Just Dance 2 At The American Music Awards Gifting Lounge

Note: The AMAs (American Music Awards) air tonight @ 8 PM EST on ABC. Johnny will be presenting an award, not sure which one.


He also went to other boutiques for giftage including thong undies?! ;)


These were listed under Johnny Wier in WI. D'oh!

x-posted elsewhere

P.S. Please do not hotlink these photos and make sure you credit the source if you post elsewhere, thanks!

a cheek where angels would happily dwell, i'm a busy guy, he can live off my money if he wants, #pictures, johnny weir

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