WHO LOVES US, BB? (Skate America)

Nov 18, 2010 14:08

Silver skater and golden coach BOrser - I told him he was my favorite at both Olympics, which is true.

So many, it's a picspam -

HBIC Russian ice dancer, Anjelika Krylova, with her Canadian team, Kaitlyn Weaver & Andrew Poje. Tingting, the Chinese woman who sat with me, has connections with Anjelika, so she called her over. Anjelika is elegant, dancing along with her skaters while they're on the ice.

The very fine Robin Szolkowy

and Aliona Savchenko

Look at how she projects to the tips of her fingers.

Caydee Denney & Jeremy "Abbott" Barrett

and their gorgeous coach, John Zimmerman:

The Shibs:

The other Daisuke:

Kevin van der Perren:

I told him his jumps were great, so high. He winced and said "I hope so."

Stephen Carriere:

Nan Song:

Viktor Pfeifer:

Lynn KRIENGKRAIRUT / Logan GIULIETTI-SCHMITT (I'm not going to retype that in upper- and lowercase!):

Kirsten Moore-Towers & Dylan Moscovitch:

Stacey Kemp & David King:

Marissa Castelli & Simon Shnapir:

She sat near us during the ladies' FS, so I was careful not to say anything mean.

Elene Gedevanishvili is so humble that she didn't even come over the first time we called to her, not believing that it was her we were calling.

Amélie Lacoste:

Alexe Gilles:

Carolina has a soft voice and was very careful about getting people's sharpies back to them:

This woman kept looking over toward me during one practice. I wondered what her problem was until I realized that she was holding a card with "Scott" written on it and Scoot and Peter Carruthers, etc. were at the commentators table next to where I was sitting. When there was a break in the practice, I asked her if she'd like to step in front of me to call to him. (It turns out that she was a very nice woman who was gathering autographs for her very nice daughter, who is in a wheelchair and couldn't get down to the front-row level.) We got Scoot's attention, and then a mass of people gathered to get his autograph.

One of the bonuses of seeing Skate America live was not having to listen to the commentary. But, Scoot loves us!

+ skate america, gotta catch em all

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