Guess who's 21 today!

Nov 11, 2010 10:26

21 years ago a bb was born.

In Scranton, Pennsylvania.

His name was Adam.

And then little Adam grew up and learned how to skate.

Sometimes he got shiny little medals!

But what's more important, everybody loved him.

His family:

His skating friens:

His fans think he's wonderful and give him lots of gifts:

And Adam loves his fans!

He wants to be the best for them:

He can kill you with his cuteness:

He loves hugs!


Come join Brian Orser in celebrations!

Bonus: today you can learn your A-B-C's with Adam!

A is for Adorable

B is for BB

C is for Curly

D is for Dorky

E is for Energetic

F is for Flexible

G is for Gorgeous

H is for Happy

I is for Intense

J is for Jeans

K is for Korean

L is for Lovely

M is for Modest

N is for NippleS

O is for Optimistic


P is for Pensive

Q is for Quadriceps

R is for Romantic

S is for Sexy

(Men in white shirts leaning against a wall are sexy, your argument is invalid)

T is for Talented

U is for Unique

V is for Versatile

W is for Wonder boy

X is for XXXL

Y is for Yours

Z is for Zero-gravity

Also, it you haven't done it yet, join us in rippon_daily!

And because we can't control our picspamming urges, look out for another post from mirror-hands in a few hours.

adam rippon

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