Hey, this is my first time actually posting! What's up!
Entertainment Tonight - Kate interviews everyone, remains annoying while doing so.
The Insider - Donny Osmond interviews everyone, is less annoying than Kate.
Random Red Carpet Interview at Derek's Birthday Party - Part Anna - Anna answers questions, remains hot while doing so.
Random Red Carpet Interview at Derek's Birthday Party - Part Evan - Actually not a bad interview.
(There were lots of interviews at this party! Evan basically repeated himself in every one "My partner... 100%... the pros don't get enough credit...")
Post Results:
Entertainment Tonight - Kate interviews everyone, Chad starts getting remarkably bitter, and Anna almost curses. And Chad is apparently going to have his own VH1 dating show. Cinco of Love?
The Insider - Evan calls Chad a teddy bear, and apparently he and Anna have taken up Niecy's scream-y mantle. Also apparently DWTS cast is going to SOI on Thursday.
KABC interviews Anna and Evan - Evan says DWTS gave him confidence and made him feel comfortable in his own skin. Much talk about the freestyle and Anna noticing Evan was "on" on Monday.
TV Guide - In which
boomdiada is chagrined to learn that Anna loves Twilight. Talk about next week being busy and the "nudity trend" this season. They talk a little about their post-show plans, and it seems to me that Evan basically confirms he's retiring.
Anna's RadarOnline vlog - Nicole sings opera while Evan stretches and Derek dances. Later, Evan plays bouncy-ball catch with somebody and appears to nearly take out a camera. Then Anna goes to get Ben & Jerry's in the Dallas airport.
Former DWTS Contestant Stacy Keibler says she's rooting for Evan to win I can't find the frickin actual URL so I'll just embed.
That's all I can find so far, but I'll come back and edit when more, including the good KABC ones, come up.
Tag at will.