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Comments 524

girlspell February 13 2014, 15:02:38 UTC
It figures when I have a snow day from school, they'd have the men on. So you have no idea how that title of a snooze fest of zzzzzz rings true to me. Why couldn't have I have off yesterday? At least I would have had my pairs.


lost__emotions February 13 2014, 15:11:28 UTC
So happy I get to watch this before heading to work :)


parcferme February 13 2014, 15:11:36 UTC
what an awful start, poor guy


combathamster February 13 2014, 15:12:16 UTC
Yesss rushed home from work and made it in time for Misha <3


laura300099 February 13 2014, 15:12:47 UTC
loling so hard @the list


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