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Comments 31

mirror_hands April 11 2012, 19:46:26 UTC
ngl I can't wait to see Johnny coming back, I've always liked him. Evan can go and start selling churros or something, but Johnny can come back.


kat_nic April 11 2012, 19:58:39 UTC
lol at this. Johnny+Jeremy+Adam in any combination would be the perfect US men's podium.

Evan should take up speedskating or something, idk. :/ Unless he dumps Frank and Lori and Vera and finds new ~inspiration, then that could be fun. In a trainwreck kind of way.


crossthefingers April 11 2012, 20:06:49 UTC
Evan can use his DWTS popularity to increase the popularity of FS in the USA and get people to attend events and shows \o/

I'm torn between wanting Johnny to compete again because I love his skating style and not wanting more competition for me favorites.

But I like that Johnny is working so hard and is taking this seriously.


kat_nic April 11 2012, 20:20:14 UTC
Right after I posted that comment I thought, b-b-but what about Ross??? And Armin??? It's hard being a stan sometimes lol.

eehhhhh, idk, Evan doesn't seem like he's on the radar much. Johnny's not a huge celebrity, either, but he does command more attention, I think. Basically it's going to take a lot more than one or both of them coming back to revive interest in figure skating. Even if they resurrect the old rivalry (which if they both make a come back, count on NBC to flog that horse, ugh)


bananrama April 11 2012, 20:00:35 UTC
If he really is using RFAD, I hope he decides to do a full on graphic interpretation of the film instead of the usual ~dramatic~ ~manly~ step sequences skaters usually use this music for.


crossthefingers April 11 2012, 20:07:08 UTC
Knowing Johnny, he will add his own flair to the program :D


mirror_hands April 11 2012, 20:51:43 UTC
I want frantic step sequences a la Misha Ge


crossthefingers April 11 2012, 21:58:57 UTC
Not sure anyone will top Misha's fierce step sequence complete with wild hair, flying arms and determined face!


misslauraj April 11 2012, 20:08:25 UTC
I'm still I doubting Thomas regarding any comeback, but "swan you bastard" is probably my favorite _s tag ever.


misslauraj April 11 2012, 20:09:34 UTC
that should be an "a" obviously. And the music has to be a joke.


crossthefingers April 11 2012, 21:59:47 UTC
Lol I thought your comment was about Tomas at first and I was very confused


misslauraj April 11 2012, 22:06:29 UTC
I originally typed it without the "h" but then realized I was wrong. oops.

Though on second thought, Tomas & Johnny skating pairs would make #geezerfest2014 amazing.


swingopenup April 11 2012, 20:19:31 UTC
ok so

(2) oh god reeeaally not sure if want #geezerfest2014 but it's looking more and more likely, idk man i d k
(3) that being said, i am legitimately impressed that johnny seems to be giving it a serious shot, get it bb!

~and those are all of my thoughts~


quack April 11 2012, 21:42:39 UTC
geezerfest is inevitable

infact they should just cancel all the other evens because #GEEZERSONICE will be the olympic highlight


swingopenup April 11 2012, 22:19:26 UTC
lmfaooooo if we end up having the same US men in sochi as we did in vancouver idk whether i will laugh or cry

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE.................


blackfeline April 12 2012, 06:29:17 UTC
LOL GEEZERSONICE. (Yes, I know, valuable contribution). I'd get on-ice tickets for that.
I just want an opening ceremony for Sochi 2014 (or TV special, or closing ceremony) in which all the Olympic glories of the past 16 years to be present. Doing some *solemn* group number with lots of synchronised jumping and spinning and Yags doing a death spiral with Plushy. Or the other way round.


abluesky1day April 11 2012, 23:07:58 UTC
omg I was soo excited when I saw this! ^.^ It looks pretty good and it's nice to see Johnny really put some effort into it and take it seriously! You go, Johnny! I'm excited for Geezerfest!2014!!


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