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Comments 83

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crossthefingers October 17 2011, 17:40:43 UTC
Look how whelmed she is #PEACHWONG


mirror_hands October 17 2011, 18:18:51 UTC


skating4us October 17 2011, 17:43:54 UTC
Amazing post, thank you!


nekorae October 17 2011, 17:44:49 UTC
I am so jealous that you guys got to see Shawn Sawyer's Mad Hatter and Yuna's Fever program. I'm glad you had a great time. The pictures are great. So many cute people. And Gretchen Donlan is gorgeous! Too bad they didn't get any senior Bs.


crossthefingers October 17 2011, 17:50:39 UTC
I know, it's a shame. They are really young still though. Gretchen is a senior in high school. I think their time will come. They were so lovely.


raramai October 17 2011, 17:51:35 UTC
I can't believe this happened in my own backyard! Someday, I'll make it...


crossthefingers October 17 2011, 17:54:00 UTC
It is an annual show. I expect you to be in our group next year, OK? And also plan on going to Ice Chips with us in April!


raramai October 17 2011, 19:22:55 UTC
Jeffrey still makes me melt every time I see him. After how many years, now?!

Ugh I would love to go. Badly. We'll see if the stars align for me to come with you guys. Are you all from the Boston area?


crossthefingers October 18 2011, 02:25:30 UTC
Peach, Buranko, Yodante and I are local, yes. Bulldogfaith traveled 5 hours by bus to see Yuna! We would love to have more LJ friends come with us to local shows so if you are in the Boston area we should stay in touch. Are you on twitter?


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crossthefingers October 17 2011, 18:00:10 UTC
AWESOMEEEEE Thanks for putting the videos here :D :D


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