Jul 10, 2011 04:04

Because there are so many videos from this show (and because they're still uploading lol), I will divide them into two posts.

Part one features a crop of young talented skaters from Japan + a lady who never gives up.
You don't know who these guys are?


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- skating shows, ~the future of skating~, fuckload of skaters in this post, go team japan power rangers, i don't even know who this guy is

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Comments 17

nekorae July 9 2011, 20:14:48 UTC
The opening was fun. lol @ Taka.

Poor Ryuichi splatted twice. Boring music choice but at least his costume isn't as hideous as it was last season.

Kento, why are you skating to a tango? I am proud of him for making it through a whole program without falling. Amazing. I still think he should be an ice dancer.

Miya is adorable. I hope she does well on the JGP.

Keiji's program is cool and it looks like he tried to give face this time.

I love Risa. She's my favorite junior skater and this EX is so cute.

I am not heppi that Dice is skating to overused music too but the program is okay.

It is good to see happy Haruka again. I love her smile. She always has adorable exhibitions.

Blah, Aranjuez is really, really overused. This confirms that I want Machida to get the TBA spot at NHK instead of Mura.

lol Fumie. That was very entertaining and awkward. The guy she gave the glasses to was not impressed.


mirror_hands July 9 2011, 20:38:43 UTC
thank you so much sweetie, you went to bed so late for giving us these vids <33333333333333333


originallove July 10 2011, 15:57:50 UTC
You're welcome :) I hope I knew how to upload vids in better quality Dx


bananrama July 9 2011, 21:17:57 UTC
Haruka is adorable :3 thank you so much for the videos!


cloroxspray July 9 2011, 21:23:30 UTC
Aww, I love Yuki Nishino! :(


unimagine July 9 2011, 23:17:37 UTC
Thank you so much for uploading these, bb <33 You are the best~

Taka/boards OTP


kento why are you skating to a tango

why kento why it is not working for you

(but maybe it'll get better)

Side-eyeing Ryuichi's and Takahito's music rn.

Miyabi and Risa are so cute. And Haruka <33

LMAO Fumie


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