Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq.

Sep 02, 2012 09:21

Tony Blair and George W Bush should be taken to the International Criminal Court in The Hague over the Iraq war, Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said ( Read more... )

george (h.)w. bush / bush family, war, iraq, tony blair

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Comments 18

mephisto5 September 2 2012, 14:25:19 UTC
Most of this I agree with, but sideying this quote a little:

'The Iraq military campaign had made the world more unstable "than any other conflict in history"'


sparkindarkness September 2 2012, 15:18:26 UTC
Same. I agree with everything he's said but that bit of hyperbole will mean his detractors will cling to it to dismiss the good sense he's said


etherealtsuki September 2 2012, 14:26:41 UTC
Tutu's right but no one is going make Bush get the indictment he deserves in America when it's tantamount to political suicide on how the GOP are these days.

I do hope it does happen, but I guess we have to settle that it's impossible for him and Cheney to leave the States now.


mingemonster September 2 2012, 15:15:10 UTC
No lies detected. But it won't happen, because the people who would be responsible for making sure justice happens are the ones who would lose the most if justice was actually happening.


tabaqui September 2 2012, 15:49:37 UTC
Hell yes, it should happen. Yesterday.


hourglasscreate September 2 2012, 15:57:46 UTC
I think Bush is stupid but well meaning. I think Cheney is smart and evil. It's pretty clear he led Bush along by the nose. If I were going choose only one of them to be punished, it would be Cheney.


nesmith September 2 2012, 16:47:06 UTC
I every time I hear or read that name I hear Lewis Black in my head: "I've never stood that close to evil!"


(The comment has been removed)

hourglasscreate September 2 2012, 20:30:49 UTC
I agree, but if I were to pick just one of them to be tried, I'd rather it be the evil one.


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