In Tony Nicklinson's heroic suffering, I can't help but see the case for life

Aug 17, 2012 16:07

It is harrowing to watch the anguish of a man who wants to end his life but cannot - yet his message somehow backfires

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euthanasia, medicine, uk

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Comments 34

rainbow_fish August 17 2012, 14:21:25 UTC
This isn't about his story being a case for life or death. This is a case of a person not having physical autonomy, trying to win the legal right to autonomy, and being denied.


sparkindarkness August 17 2012, 14:41:19 UTC
How, in the name of all that is holy, is watching his heartaching pain and despair at having his autonomy denied somehow an image in favour of denying his authonomy?

You find his pain INSPIRING so you decide he needs to keep suffering it?!


metatrix August 17 2012, 14:44:45 UTC
I'm so conflicted about euthanasia. I used to be firmly pro-euthanasia until I read an article written by a patient who had previously battled for the right to be euthanized, and lost. Years later she was thankful that she had lost, thankful she was alive, and she was arguing against legal euthanasia. I wish I remembered her name or the name of the article ( ... )


darth_eldritch August 17 2012, 15:03:35 UTC
Likewise I knew a man who went through severe chronic pain, had wanted to die. He came out of it a firm proponent of assisted suicide.

No doubt he enjoys life today, he states that you have no idea what it is like until you have been there.


rex_dart August 17 2012, 15:36:10 UTC
This is working fine, so we don't need to legalize euthanasia

Did you in fact read the article at all?


metatrix August 17 2012, 16:18:29 UTC
I wasn't actually stating my own opinion. I was merely summarizing the main arguments stated in an article I read a long time ago.

Personally, I'm undecided on the subject of euthanasia. I stated so at the beginning of my comment.


(The comment has been removed)

headfights August 17 2012, 15:58:36 UTC


harumi August 17 2012, 15:01:18 UTC
What kind of sick fuck is this guy?! Who looks at a human being suffering needlessly and think "his suffering is art"? Fuck art. This isn't art, this is a person, one who you are objectifying for your own sick philosophical pleasure.

At least most of the comments are outraged. That gives me some hope.


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