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Comments 12

tabaqui August 6 2012, 06:39:14 UTC
So when is the media going to be tired of her?


jessicamariek August 6 2012, 06:43:23 UTC
Not soon enough.


erunamiryene August 6 2012, 12:52:32 UTC
“I realize that she’s another Republican talking head,” says Kelly, who is today a proud Ron Paul supporter. “I don’t think she has the caliber to make a great leader for this nation in these times ... "

... for some reason, the fact he's saying this but is an ardent "always a bridesmaid never a bride" Ron Paul supporter is REALLY amusing me. I'm still waiting to hear how a dude who's been a Republican and in politics since the 1970s ISN'T a "talking head" or an "establishment insider". XD

for all her talents

... what talents? Whipping the reality-impaired into an anti-Muslin froth?

or as bad as overheated opponents insist.

Nope, I honestly believe that Palin, Santorum, Bachmann, Paul, Shrub Jr, Reagan, and Romney (among many others) really ARE just as bad as people have insisted they are. They really, really are.


alryssa August 7 2012, 04:56:11 UTC
Talented at being incredibly ignorant, that's all I got.


redstar826 August 6 2012, 13:54:02 UTC
well, Clinton was a 2 term president who was pretty popular during his time in office. Palin is on her way to becoming a historical footnote.


/eyeroll brother_dour August 6 2012, 14:03:47 UTC
Hyperpartisanship is going to destroy this country. When a Moderate President is lambasted as uber-Liberal, then the opposition party has obviously lost all perspective. As far as that goes, the whole two-party system doesn't work for us anymore- we could use a strong third party to force the others to behave themselves through sheer force of competition for votes.

Also, Sarah Palin is like cancer. She can't become irrelevant quick enough.


donutsweeper August 6 2012, 14:29:47 UTC
Now if only that meant she'd GO AWAY.


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