Mitt Romney aide in new ‘kiss my ass’ gaffe.

Jul 31, 2012 19:32

Mitt Romney's international tour was again hit by a gaffe after his spokesman told journalists to “kiss my ass” after being quizzed over a series of blunders by the Republican presidential candidate ( Read more... )

diplomacy, mitt romney, poland, gaffes

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Comments 22

crossfire July 31 2012, 20:13:08 UTC
And in the red corner, representing the YEW-NITED STATES OF AMURRRRIIKAAAAAAA!


(The comment has been removed)

pennylane101 July 31 2012, 20:35:48 UTC
ikr? what even.


vulturoso July 31 2012, 20:42:30 UTC
This man becoming President should be completely impossible in a rational world.


moonbrightnites July 31 2012, 22:01:51 UTC
Sadly, we don't have one of those. :(


ladypolitik July 31 2012, 22:55:21 UTC
If Bush could do it...


salienne August 1 2012, 00:21:49 UTC
Don't remind us.


wrestlingdog July 31 2012, 20:54:06 UTC
"Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people,” he said. “Show some respect."

Wow, this dude has no sense of irony whatsoever.


mrasaki August 1 2012, 00:28:45 UTC
Please, please, PLEASE let this swing the independents.

and also Romney needs a new press secretary because wtf Romney putting his foot in his mouth on a regular basis is one thing, but it's the press secretary's job to cover for him and not gaily engage in foot-in-mouth syndrome himself.

Good lord, we don't need another GW Bush. (Please do go around insulting Russia and Putin and Palestine. It's not like we have to WORK with them.)


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