Tea Party Manages to Piss Off Hand that Feeds Them, Again.

Jul 17, 2012 23:13

Tea Party torpedoes Law of Sea Treaty
How the far right managed to kill a naval treaty that nearly everyone else supported

What if there were a piece of legislation in Congress today that had broad bipartisan support along with the strong backing of the military and the most powerful business interests in the country? That seems almost unheard of in ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, capitalism, corporations, republican party, tea party, military, america fuck yeah, republicans, mining, right-wing rage pimp, tea bagging, national security, republicans. lol, conspiracies, conspiracy theories/theorists, tinhats, oil, batshit

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Comments 5

atomic_joe2 July 18 2012, 18:32:58 UTC
The Tea Party are they still around? I thought they'd have got bored and gone home by now.


amyura July 18 2012, 19:26:03 UTC
I heard today that Romney probably had it down to between Portman and Pawlenty. Guess it's gonna be Romney-Pawlenty this year?


cellared July 18 2012, 20:02:34 UTC
the Tea Party, who saw the treaty as a “U.N. takeover” of the sea

i cannot.


qable July 18 2012, 20:54:04 UTC
Has DeMint done anything positive during his political career? He seems to go out of his way to be obnoxious.


ceilidh July 19 2012, 01:55:00 UTC
he hasn't done anything constructive. He vetoes everything so he can look like he's "standin up for Amurika" and being ~for the people and ~states rights and all this other bullshit but he's just a mean spirited asshole.


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