
Jul 16, 2012 22:03

Pregnancy No Barrier to Malaysian’s Olympic Journey

KUALA LUMPUR - As she prepares to make her Olympic debut later this month, Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi’s greatest fear is not that she may succumb to the pressure that comes with being the first woman to represent Malaysia in shooting.

Rather, Nur Suryani is worried about whether the baby girl ( Read more... )

olympics, pregnancy, how is babby formed, bad assery, guns, malaysia, women

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Comments 10

bowtomecha July 17 2012, 03:55:39 UTC
I'm curious if there are any actual studies on unborn babies and the effects of loud noises such as rifles upon them.

That aside, this is all pretty bad ass.


koken23 July 17 2012, 04:32:33 UTC
I doubt it would do any harm, especially not as late term as she will be. The baby would certainly be able to hear what's going on outside by then - their hearing is good enough to tell their mother's voice from another person, so they'd certainly notice a rifle going off! - but an eight month pregnancy means a practically fully-developed baby, with all the tricky stuff (brain development, nervous system, internal organs, sensory stuff etc etc etc) already finished and done at an earlier stage.

All babies really do in their last month as your tenant is get fat at a rate of knots, growing and putting on bulk as fast as possible so they can retain body heat and build up their fat stores in the outside world. If they were going to be harmed by something the mother has been doing, it would have already happened, been noticed and been strongly advised against long before this woman qualified for Olympic selection.


kyra_neko_rei July 17 2012, 17:10:22 UTC
I would think that given that they're in a fluid and surrounded by heartbeat and pulse and several inches of insulation, it wouldn't be much of a problem. I could be wrong, but that's some serious white noise and more stuff to travel through than a pair of earmuffs consists of; we perceive a rifle shot as loud and sharp through air, and the baby isn't out in the air.


romp July 17 2012, 05:20:33 UTC
“I will talk to her, say, ‘Mum is going to shoot just for a while. Can you just be calm?”’



kindelling July 17 2012, 05:52:28 UTC
I really hope this baby isn't a preemie, I want to see her compete!


tinylegacies July 17 2012, 11:49:48 UTC
I got a mental picture of her being so excited by the moment that she's standing on the medal stand and her water breaks.

That would be a hell of a story to tell her kid some day :)


ceilidh July 17 2012, 16:27:28 UTC
"I was born at the Olympics!" would be a cool story for the kid to tell :D


anjak_j July 17 2012, 10:52:49 UTC
She's awesome. I really hope that she does well in her event.


thenakedcat July 17 2012, 20:23:19 UTC
Oh FUCK yes, female military officer, world-class athlete, AND badass momma!


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