Zimmerman trustworthy, deserves bond, his lawyer argues

Jun 29, 2012 14:10

(CNN) -- Even though he misled the court about his finances, George Zimmerman should not be jailed as he awaits trial for the death of Trayvon Martin because the state's case is weak and his claim of self-defense is strong, defense attorney Mark O'Mara argued Friday ( Read more... )

murder, scumbags, trayvon martin case, fuckery, race / racism, donations, lies, money, crime, fuck this guy

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Comments 20

koshkabegemot June 29 2012, 20:45:44 UTC
How about no.


nope_de_plume June 29 2012, 20:51:20 UTC
Didn't his lawyer quit because he ran off without telling him?


tinylegacies June 29 2012, 23:53:08 UTC
I was gonna say... is this the same lawyer who couldn't *find* him before some court appearance a few months ago?


moonbladem June 30 2012, 00:19:11 UTC
No, it wasn't Mark O'Mara. It was two attorneys who appeared on TV saying that they couldn't get a hold of him, and so were dropping him as their client. I think it was more a publicity thing on their part, and they got criticized for the whole TV thing.


ill_tex June 29 2012, 20:53:07 UTC
$200,000 for murdering a kid?


blondebeaker June 29 2012, 21:02:32 UTC

... )


moonbrightnites June 29 2012, 21:12:17 UTC
He said evidence submitted in the case is weak and suggests that Martin "got shot and he was killed because of his own doing."

There just aren't enough expressions of rage for this.

Yes, his own doing of BUYING CANDY and WALKING HOME. Clearly he deserved to be profiled, stalked, confronted, and murdered.


iolarah June 29 2012, 21:21:24 UTC
It must take a lot of double-think to defend Zimmerman.


kyra_neko_rei June 30 2012, 00:31:10 UTC
Or a lot of horrid assumptions about their comparative worth.


arabian June 29 2012, 22:17:04 UTC
You forgot the ICE TEA! Clearly that was what led to Zimmerman's horrible predicament. Had to have been the ice tea. /sarcasm

I am following this story, but it breaks my heart/enrages me at the same time.


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