Gay Couple's Wedding Photo Turned into Attack Ad

Jun 29, 2012 11:49

Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere have been Photoshopped into poster-husbands for an antigay campaign mailer.

A married gay couple is outraged after an antigay "hate group" has stolen one of their wedding photos and used it in a political attack ad.Brian Edwards heard about the ad from a friend who sent an iPhone picture after recognizing him and ( Read more... )

photoshop disasters, people suck, fuckery, marriage equality

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Comments 39

aviv_b June 29 2012, 20:51:16 UTC
What vile fuckery. These are real people, not some staged stock footage. And I very much doubt this falls under fair use. I hope an attorney helps them go after The Public Advocate for damages.


sesmo June 29 2012, 23:56:49 UTC
Damn, now I want to volunteer to help them out.

Step one is to register the copyright. Step two is to sue these fuckers into oblivion.


aviv_b June 30 2012, 02:13:13 UTC
I'm hoping someone from Lamba Legal or even the Southern Poverty Law Center might step up to help. SPLC has been very successful in, as you say, suing hate groups into oblivion.


macabremeltdown June 29 2012, 20:51:53 UTC
The Post reports that the Public Advocate refuses to apologize and claims that even though the photo is copyright protected, it can do with it as it pleases...

Um, no.


myrrhmade June 29 2012, 20:52:27 UTC
Fucking disgusting, how dare they.


darth_eldritch June 29 2012, 20:53:52 UTC
Fuck this shit. "Family values" my ass.


nitasee June 29 2012, 20:53:54 UTC
he Public Advocate refuses to apologize and claims that even though the photo is copyright protected, it can do with it as it pleases

They say that now. But, will they crow a different tune if the couple sues them for copyright infringement. Which I hope to hell they do.


iolarah June 29 2012, 21:22:56 UTC
Which I hope to hell they do Me too; the couple -and- the photographer should.


mirhanda June 30 2012, 18:38:15 UTC
I don't think the couple can sue for copyright violation, but the photographer could. They might be able to sue because they didn't release the use of their likeness.


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