More Women Are Breadwinners, But They Still Can’t Get Out Of The Kitchen

Jun 26, 2012 13:30

Women are a growing part of the American workforce. In the last 25 years, the number of working women has grown by 44.2 percent, while 59.4 percent of working-age women are currently in the labor force. Sixty percent of women are the primary or co-bread winner for their household.

But despite those historic numbers, most women are still left doing ( Read more... )

labor, usa, women

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Comments 101

365reasonswhy June 26 2012, 19:32:41 UTC
And get paid less.


grace_om June 26 2012, 19:45:49 UTC
No surprises here. At our house I end up doing more because I care about what I eat, and don't want the level of cleanliness to sink from untidy to hoarding. He really wouldn't notice as he's an absent-minded professor type. He does do a lot of things I don't like though, such as dishes, ironing, and financial paperwork. All the dishes are chipped and cracked, but I bite my tongue because I don't want to end up doing that too!


thepuddingcook June 26 2012, 20:42:11 UTC
Pretty much how it has worked for us. He is also very good at cooking w my direction if the baby is asleep on top of me....I just have to be very specific and detailed...
We are lucky in that we have been able to hire outside help w housework once in a while too...


matryoshka June 26 2012, 20:08:53 UTC
This doesn't surprise me at all. Both my parents work full-time, but my poor mother is the ONLY one who takes care of things around the house. My dad can't be bothered with any sort of household maintenance - he just sits in front of the TV after he gets home from work while my mom continues to bust her ass. I find it so irritating that he refuses to help with anything.


julietislimited June 26 2012, 20:22:31 UTC
That isn't shocking tbh.

Though in my house I am the breadwinner and housekeepers because I'm a single parent. If I don't clean the house who will, cook the food and mow the lawn who will?


hellotreetops June 26 2012, 20:23:44 UTC
My dad was always really good about doing things around the house. I was totally raised in a household with certain expectations (Guy takes the garbage out, guys cook as often as gals cook)

Then I married into my husband's family where every family event is the women in the kitchen, and the men sitting around for dinner. ARGH. I hate it! Needless to say my husband was a nightmare to live with at first, but eventually learned that I don't put up with that ish and is now really great about helping out. It definitely feels equal.

It was easy to blame his mom, but growing up and thinking more about - his dad doesn't exactly rush and offer his help.


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