More Women Are Breadwinners, But They Still Can’t Get Out Of The Kitchen

Jun 26, 2012 13:30

Women are a growing part of the American workforce. In the last 25 years, the number of working women has grown by 44.2 percent, while 59.4 percent of working-age women are currently in the labor force. Sixty percent of women are the primary or co-bread winner for their household.

But despite those historic numbers, most women are still left doing ( Read more... )

labor, usa, women

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Comments 101

anolinde June 26 2012, 17:51:23 UTC
Why does this not surprise me. >_<

If I get married, or involved in a serious relationship, I am so making the dude pull his weight. At the very least, he'll be doing all the cooking, because fuck cooking.


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geminilove_ca June 26 2012, 17:57:49 UTC
Yep. Pretty much my life. I work 40 hours a week outside the house, then an additional 10-20 (or more) AT the house, plus I'm responsible for my grandmother's care. Yet, ask for ANY help from anyone in my family (be it my children or my parents) and I pretty much get a pat on the back and "good luck with that". Sad that the ONLY time I get them to step up more than nominally involves me either screaming, crying, or throwing a fit of some sort. Histrionics should NOT be required to get other people to do their fair share.


romp June 26 2012, 18:33:44 UTC
I just saw this happening with my family. Four grandkids in town and it's the one girl who winds up visiting and helping with care. ARGH


anolinde June 26 2012, 17:53:32 UTC
Also, the comments.


geminilove_ca June 26 2012, 17:54:49 UTC
Not exactly a shocker in any respect.


katrinar June 26 2012, 18:07:16 UTC
i can attest to this. i am a work-out-of-the-home parent (my husband stays home) but my level of household chore participation hasn't gone down at all.


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katrinar June 26 2012, 18:11:43 UTC
ugh. i LOVE my husband. very much. for many reasons.

his ability to prioritize and get things done is not one of those reasons. he tidies. he complains about how hard it is to raise a toddler.

he has no idea how to cook and forgets laundry for days in the washer and dryer. he has always been like this.


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