George Zimmerman told wife, Shellie Zimmerman, to buy bulletproof vests: phone calls

Jun 18, 2012 17:19

Trayvon Martin shooter aims to protect wife after his attorney reports receiving threatsJailhouse recordings released Monday show that George Zimmerman and his wife talked in code about secretly handling the flood of donations from supporters, even as they posed as broke ( Read more... )

discrimination, murder, threats, scumbags, trayvon martin case, racial profiling, race / racism, donations, lies, money

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Comments 35

layweed June 18 2012, 23:30:56 UTC
“I even paid my school."

Fuck. This. You took money that people gave your husband for STALKING AND KILLING AN UNARMED TEENAGER and spent it on tuition bills? FUCK YOU. And to make a hoodie joke? DOUBLE FUCK YOU.

I hope this fucker spends the rest of his life in jail, and he and his wife gets sued for every single cent they collected.


lamardeuse June 19 2012, 00:29:07 UTC
This. How to pay off your student loans: murder a black child and wait for the dough to roll in from racist fuckwads. These people are utterly sickening.


moonbrightnites June 19 2012, 00:35:55 UTC
Seconded, with RAGE.


schmanda June 18 2012, 23:32:30 UTC
“Ah man, that feels good. That there are people in America that care so consumed with hatred as to happily reward me monetarily for stalking and killing an unarmed black minor."

In another call on April 17, during an extended discussion of security measures they would use to hide him from the press or enemies,

Zimmerman says, “Well, I have my hoodie.”

It is not clear whether he was making a joke about Trayvon’s iconic hooded sweatshirt or made the remark without irony.
It's cute that they act like there's any question that it was a joke.


gretchystretchy June 18 2012, 23:59:01 UTC
A sports writer I follow on Twitter had a perfect response to this story, so I'll just leave it here:

@getnickwright: But not with a hood... RT @Slate George Zimmerman told his wife to start wearing a bulletproof vest:


macabremeltdown June 19 2012, 00:05:40 UTC
Fuck them both.


lamardeuse June 19 2012, 00:26:44 UTC
...more than $200,000 flooded into his PayPal account.

Is it okay for me to hate humanity for a little while after hearing that?


ms_mmelissa June 19 2012, 00:28:06 UTC
Same reaction I had. I guess crime really does pay. Revolting.


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