America's Last Prisoner of War

Jun 08, 2012 10:12

Three years ago, a 23-year-old soldier walked off his base in Afghanistan and into the hands of the Taliban. Now he’s a crucial pawn in negotiations to end the war. Will the Pentagon leave a man behind?

The mother and father sit at the kitchen table in their Idaho farmhouse, watching their son on YouTube plead for his life. The Taliban captured 26- ( Read more... )

afghanistan, war, usa, military, taliban

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Comments 1

ohloverx June 8 2012, 22:15:07 UTC
This is incredibly sad. The optimistic side of me wants to hope that the peace negotiations go well and that President Obama is able to secure the release of this soldier.

The pessimistic side of me knows that if things go wrong, he'll be left there because this country doesn't tend to give in to demands it finds irrational or against our safety and interests.

I just really hope that it goes well and he gets brought home to his family and his country. :(


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