'Fox And Friends' Air 4 Minute Anti-Obama Ad

May 30, 2012 16:34

'Fox And Friends' Air Anti-Obama Video That Could Double As GOP Ad

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"Fox and Friends" aired a remarkable four-minute video on its Wednesday show.

The video, which the hosts of the show advertised as taking a "look back" at President Obama's four years in office, could easily be mistaken for a Republican attack ad. It was aired multiple times ( Read more... )

fox news, fox & friends, propaganda, barack obama, republican party

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Comments 25

mellieebelliee May 31 2012, 03:04:14 UTC
They're just being ~fair and balanced~ ya'll.


(The comment has been removed)

moonshaz May 31 2012, 03:27:45 UTC
That gif is incredibly hypnotic! *reluctantly tears eyes away before I fall into a trance*


erunamiryene May 31 2012, 03:23:30 UTC
That's right, blame it on an "assistant producer" after the damage - making your dumbshit sheep see it - is already done. Classy to the end, Faux Noise.


salienne May 31 2012, 03:42:48 UTC

Is anyone swayed by videos like this actually going to hear about this retraction? Nope. Technically they've covered their asses, but practically, they've gotten to act as the GOP's spokesperson with no consequences.


windygables May 31 2012, 03:49:12 UTC
As if such a big corporation doesn't notice the making NOR airing . Pfft nice try


jettakd May 31 2012, 04:07:03 UTC
viewers see images of Obama talking about jobs contrasted with footage of homeless people.

As long as America runs on a primarily capitalist system, there will always be homeless people no matter who the sitting Pres is.

It only starts to matter to people like Fox n Friends when the newly homeless are formerly semi-affluent and white.


yes! putyourendtowar June 1 2012, 01:14:05 UTC
the system is broke(n). fix it. begin to grow real local value. rebuild community from the ground up. frigate! we'll build our own economy. we don't need global mafia to tell us what to do. or at the least embrace fair trade and ethical investment.

here is a manual on where to begin. "sacred economics" by charles eisenstein on how to return to a gifting economy.


Re: yes! jettakd June 1 2012, 01:21:01 UTC
I've actually read part of that book and while I'm not sure how I feel about all of it (And haven't read in entirity), I do think it has a ton of great ideas. I think you'd like Wendall Berry's books. Very much about a return to small, socially cooperative groups instead of urban-sprawl based economics.


Re: yes! putyourendtowar June 6 2012, 00:52:24 UTC
yep i agree, it is our next evolution to become socially responsible and present to our thoughts and actions. there are truths, everywhere, we need only to apply them.


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