Spanish doctor ordered to pay for upkeep of child after failed abortion

May 25, 2012 12:33

A Spanish doctor has been ordered to pay for the upkeep of a child after a failed abortion operation meant the boy's mother was obliged to see her pregnancy through to the end.

In a unique case, a court in Palma de Mallorca ordered the unnamed doctor to pay almost €1,000 (£800) a month in maintenance for the child until he reaches his 25th ( Read more... )

spain, abortion

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Comments 28

londonsquare May 25 2012, 17:27:55 UTC
Shit. I cannot even imagine.

Although I'm glad that now she is okay with her son and he is wanted...and that he was born healthy

That doctor is an idiot.


rebness May 25 2012, 17:46:48 UTC
I'm so glad for her that he was born healthy - that idiot doctor jeopardised so much with his negligence.


yeats May 25 2012, 17:37:52 UTC
obviously this is going to be used as fodder for anti-choice bullshit, but i think the mother's story is so compelling and expresses the pro-choice position really well:

1. woman finds out she's pregnant
2. woman realizes that she's not ready to deal with having a child
3. woman seeks a legal, early-term abortion
4. abortion is unsuccessful, woman is unable to obtain legal abortion at that stage
5. woman carries her child to term and expresses a fucking obvious truth that anti-choicers can't understand: "It was back then that he was not wanted, not now." newsflash: it is possible to choose abortion and still be a caring, loving individual.

in other words, every child a wanted child, motherfuckers.


rebness May 25 2012, 17:45:37 UTC
This so, so much.

I really admire her bravery and what you quoted: It was back then that he was not wanted, not now.

I think the court made the right decision and anyone who vilifies her or says this was ~meant to be deserves to step on some lego.


kaowolfie May 25 2012, 18:10:00 UTC
I agree.


brookiki May 25 2012, 18:43:29 UTC
woman carries her child to term and expresses a fucking obvious truth that anti-choicers can't understand: "It was back then that he was not wanted, not now." newsflash: it is possible to choose abortion and still be a caring, loving individual.

Actually, I think they'll understand it well enough to use it to rationalize their position. "See? This woman thought she wanted an abortion, but once the baby was born, she realized she wanted it. This is why we have to protect women from their choices by not letting them have choices."


mimblexwimble May 25 2012, 17:42:05 UTC
Good on Spain for making that doctor pay for his mistake.


schmutzigs May 25 2012, 18:21:36 UTC
wow, i have never heard of such a case before! this is some good news :).


dragonhawker May 25 2012, 22:37:35 UTC
For whom?


schmutzigs May 26 2012, 08:14:46 UTC
okay, i maybe should have been a little more specific.
what i mean to say with 'good news' is not that i am seeing rainbows and unicorns when a abortion goes wrong and a woman at the time of finding out is unable to abort again, or that it's such a good thing a doctor kindddd of dismisses his own fault.
what i do mean is i am very very glad that the position this woman is in gets fully acknowledged. that she receives the damages she has asked for as well as child support. this seems to me to be a pioneer kind of case, but i am not sure if that is a correct belief, all i is i don't think i have ever heard of such a case before. do you happen to know if there are equivalents of this one?


callmepatsy May 25 2012, 18:42:03 UTC
I'm glad her son was born healthy and the doctor has to pay, but I do worry a story like this could be anti-choice fodder, as in "once you have the baby you'll want it!"


emofordino May 25 2012, 22:19:30 UTC
mte. i'm obviously glad that the situation seems to have turned out well for the woman, i don't want this situation taken and used by anti-choicers to dismantle abortions rights even more than they're already trying to do now.


alryssa May 26 2012, 03:34:35 UTC
They always say that anyway. :/


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