Quite literally the most powerful video I've seen in months.

May 21, 2012 14:12

"No NATO, No War": U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit
From Democracy Now!

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AMY GOODMAN: We’re broadcasting from Chicago, site of the largest NATO summit in the organization’s 63-year history. While delegates from 60 nations are meeting in the heavily secured McCormick Place convention center, thousands of ( Read more... )

afghanistan, iraq, occupywallstreet, protest, chicago, ptsd, veterans, nato

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Comments 8

tiddlywinks103 May 21 2012, 23:16:33 UTC
given to me, according to my letter, because of hard work and dedication and setting the example. I was a hard worker because I buried my PTSD and overworked myself in the military. And I’m throwing this back and invoking my right to heal.

I’m here on behalf of six good Americans who really wanted to be here but they couldn’t be. They couldn’t be, because when they came to the U.S. border, they’d be immediately arrested. And the crime they’d be arrested for was refusing to continue to participate in the crimes against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Amazing people, honestly.


caketime May 21 2012, 23:17:35 UTC
This was heavy. Especially the last one.


recorded May 22 2012, 08:58:42 UTC
I'm surprised there's not more comments on this :(


schmutzigs May 22 2012, 10:36:25 UTC
oh god, aaron hughes is breaking my heart.
it is such a powerful statement to get rid of the symbols, and thus of what they represent. i hope this reaches far, it needs to be heard loud and clear.


dearmisterecho May 22 2012, 14:27:49 UTC
holy shit that sent chills down my spine.


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