Leveson Inquiry: Jeremy Hunt faces calls to resign over ' illegal' News Corp advice

Apr 25, 2012 15:45

Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary, was on Tuesday night facing demands for his resignation after emails released by the Murdoch family disclosed that his office offered “absolutely illegal” advice to News Corporation executives.In a series of disclosures on by far the most dramatic day so far of the Leveson Inquiry, the Cabinet Minister’s key ( Read more... )

media, uk: conservative / tories, uk: labour party, shit just got real, uk

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Comments 3

mumbles April 25 2012, 20:41:39 UTC
I really have no idea how to feel about this but shit Rupert is so dodgy X_X


libertine_lust April 25 2012, 21:16:51 UTC
For me what J.Murdoch said yesterday was only confirming what was suspected at the time. Anyone with even half an eye on the whole affair new that Hunt wasn't impartial and was in favour for the bid (only the phone hacking blowing up stopped the bid going through, nothing more) it was only a matter of time until something was to come out regarding it, although I must admit the details of it all are still quite shocking.

A SpAd will always take the first bullet but I can't see Hunt lasting the week. Infact the only reason I can see that he is still in his job is because Rupert's 'evidence' isn't finished with and the PM needs a human shield. After the inquiry runs it's course there may not be any human shields left.


anjak_j April 25 2012, 22:13:09 UTC
Heard about this through Avaaz earlier today - apparently there are emails between Hunt and the Murdoch empire that stated it was crucial to undermine Avaaz's campaigning against allowing News Corp. to take over BSkyB.

No prizes for guessing that one of Avaaz's current campaigns is calling for Hunt to get the sack from his job.


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