'I've got snakes on a plane': Pilot makes emergency landing

Apr 05, 2012 10:32

A pilot made an emergency landing during a flight in Australia, reportedly telling air traffic controllers "look, you're not going to believe this. I've got snakes on a plane."Australia's ABC News reported that Braden Blennerhassett, 26, swiftly put the Air Frontier plane on the ground after making the unusual mayday call during a flight from ( Read more... )

wtf, transportation, australia, animals, puttin the ontd in ontd_political

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Comments 44

layweed April 5 2012, 14:41:00 UTC
Only in Australia...


koken23 April 5 2012, 14:44:25 UTC
The everything-is-outright-homicidal Australian wildlife stereotype is a load of bullshit, but it makes for fun times when the news accidentally proves it almost-true. :P


layweed April 5 2012, 14:54:18 UTC
Yeah. I gotta say though, a friend of mine who lived in Tasmania was always saying how he'd find poisonous spiders/snakes roaming around his house or w/e. Kinda freaked me out.


koken23 April 5 2012, 23:18:50 UTC
Oh yeah, that bit's totally normal. No big deal. They're just sort of around, so you get used to it - you check your piles of clothes, you wear shoes in long grass.


koken23 April 5 2012, 14:42:05 UTC
Yeah hi, welcome to Australia. XD


koken23 April 5 2012, 23:16:34 UTC
(comment redacted because it's in the wrong spot)


johnjie April 5 2012, 14:43:52 UTC
This WOULD happen in Australia - loving the pilot's use of true blue laconic understatement


ayarane April 5 2012, 14:49:44 UTC



jasonbeast April 5 2012, 14:58:16 UTC
Opened this post solely to see if this had arrived yet.


kitanabychoice April 5 2012, 18:05:08 UTC
Seconding this so hard. XD


devilstay April 5 2012, 15:57:56 UTC
I fucking love this movie


(The comment has been removed)

chaya April 5 2012, 15:20:12 UTC


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