30 Years of Climate Change Warnings

Mar 29, 2012 08:51

‘You Can’t Take Away My Hope’: Thirty Years Of Climate Scientists Helplessly Describing Our Dangerously Changing World
In a new video by Peter Sinclair, prominent climate scientist Michael MacCracken discusses how the last thirty years have confirmed the predictions he and others made in 1982 and earlier. The scientific understanding of how burning ( Read more... )

change we can believe in, famous scientists, environment, pollution, history, science, climate change, charts n shit, world

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Comments 3

tabaqui March 29 2012, 18:59:15 UTC
The guy who cuts our lawn was telling me how he only got a three-month break in lawn cutting between last year and this year. Insanity.


sasha_davidovna March 29 2012, 22:04:15 UTC
Yeah, our lilacs are blooming right now. They usually bloom the first or second week in May.


arisma March 30 2012, 01:26:56 UTC
I live in Vermont and I've never seen a year like this. Last week temperatures were in the 70-80s. Now they're back to 30-40s. It's all just... ugh.


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