New Obama campaign video: what it may say about his reelection strategy

Mar 08, 2012 22:05

The Tom Hanks-narrated video, as judged from the just-released trailer, sheds light on the Obama campaign's likely themes. Among them, that voters should take the long view.

By Peter Grier

President Obama’s reelection campaign released a two-minute trailer Thursday for “The Road We’ve Traveled,” an upcoming short film about the Obama presidency. If ( Read more... )

election 2012, films, barack obama

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Comments 20

atomic_joe2 March 9 2012, 08:48:53 UTC
Tom Hanks is cool. I once went out with a girl who only knew his output from 'Philadelphia' onwards. Can you imagine not knowing the glory of 'The 'Burbs' or 'Dragnet'?


screamingintune March 9 2012, 09:01:20 UTC
lol omg Dragnet. That movie and this accompanying music video were my shit when I was a kid. My brother and my cousins and I reenacted the video for a home movie. I was the guy who just wanted to dance in his goatskin pants.


bnmc2005 March 9 2012, 15:35:47 UTC
LOL THAT's amazing. I forgot about that. Childhood Flashback!!!


screamingintune March 9 2012, 08:57:42 UTC
I gotta say, on a purely superficial spectator level, I am interested to see how the Obama '12 campaign goes. Criticize him all you want, but he and his team are brilliant campaigners. Considering how the most well-organized of the GOP candidates, Mitt Romney, is stumbling and failing hard, it'll be interesting to see if Romney's camp can step up to the plate. I think the inability to be a calculated and shrewd campaign that is good at vetting and stopping leaks really sank the McCain campaign ( ... )


hinoema March 9 2012, 09:39:51 UTC
I want to see if they address the fact that Republicans have abandoned political discourse in favor of religious persecution. (That's persecution for the Church, not of it.)


carmy_w March 9 2012, 16:56:23 UTC
I don't think they'll go there, but I do expect them to really push women's rights.
Of course, the people that choose to vote for ANY of the Repub. candidates based on their religious beliefs will NEVER vote for that evil muslim who's desecrating the white house, so....


intrikate88 March 9 2012, 15:19:33 UTC
I totally agree. I would love to have some sort of internship or assistant job with all of this, just for the sake of getting such a quality experience of marketing and branding and storytelling. I think it'd be really educational.


tabaqui March 9 2012, 13:31:41 UTC
I saw the 'trailer' yesterday and it was very cool - i mean...Tom Hanks and President Obama! That's a combo that can't lose.


jettakd March 9 2012, 15:18:58 UTC
This is apropos of nothing really, but as a designer, I just love everything about the Obama campaign XD Really lives up to the "all (good) designers are liberal" trope.


bnmc2005 March 9 2012, 16:11:37 UTC
Speaking of graphic design... I submitted a post for this but I'm gonna drop it here too...


jettakd March 9 2012, 16:26:15 UTC
*girly squeal*


*flappy hands*

Thanks for linking this to me :D


girly123 March 9 2012, 17:31:30 UTC
YES. I love seeing how much our profession stirs public knowledge and action.


browneyedguuurl March 9 2012, 17:01:10 UTC
O's campaigns have been fascinating, especially for me since I work in Marketing and Advertising. They way they created such a grass roots movement with the help of Social Media is brilliant. Can't wait to see what they have in store.


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