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Comments 47

beuk March 1 2012, 20:41:23 UTC
THANK GOODNESS. This was so much bullshit.

And of course there's someone on FB arguing for the conscience clause bs. This is someone whom I knew in college (as the vocal college republican at a private liberal arts college, lol). Since graduating he's gone quite radical and he's saying the Obama reforms are trampling on the 1st Amendment and everyone is arguing with him saying it's about employees' religious rights being protected from employers' religious rights but he's being deliberately obtuse.


mahasin March 1 2012, 20:42:30 UTC


hammersxstrings March 1 2012, 20:43:49 UTC
honestly was so happy. I was texting people, tweeting it, tumblring it....i'm ready for a party post. I REALLY thought it was going to get passed.

depressed cause I didn't realize Blunt was behind this. my state...*smdh* i'm def declaring my citizenship in MO this month though, and I'm definitely gonna vote against this jerk

i can't wait for The Daily Show tonight.


doverz March 1 2012, 22:00:00 UTC
The night he made the quote in your icon was such an awesome episode.


kaowolfie March 1 2012, 23:16:05 UTC
Of course Blunt was behind this. Hon, he's fucking AWFUL.

You know, like the majority of Missourians are.

<-- one track hater of the state she's stuck in for another five years.


julieannie March 2 2012, 05:58:41 UTC
Between him and his useless son I can't believe Missourians love the Blunts so much. They are everything they should hate but they take all that rage and send it to Claire.


astridmyrna March 1 2012, 20:44:49 UTC

Now to dance!


mentalguru March 1 2012, 22:33:17 UTC
Barn Owls: Nature's party animals.


jaded110 March 2 2012, 00:22:06 UTC
I love barn owls. :D They're so CUTE!


stellar_kar March 1 2012, 20:45:13 UTC


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