Race, liberty and Ron Paul

Jan 03, 2012 12:43

Did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 put America on the path to a police state? The answer is yes, according to Ron Paul, the Texas Republican Congressman and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, Paul explained that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “destroyed the principle of private ( Read more... )

ron paul, libertarian party, abraham lincoln, patriot act, civil rights, libertarians

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Comments 65

cadetsandkings January 3 2012, 17:58:37 UTC
This is a good post.


beokitty January 3 2012, 18:01:26 UTC
Thank you for this, it is very interesting!


layweed January 3 2012, 18:02:09 UTC
Can't get past the first paragraph. D:


jettakd January 3 2012, 18:04:41 UTC
Love this article. Really highlights the gross selfishness, isolationism, and racism I've found inherent in most libertarians I've known ( ... )


sesmo January 3 2012, 19:25:06 UTC
OOh, I love the way Noah Smith says that, it's the argument I've been having with libertarianish friends. Do you have a source for it?


jettakd January 3 2012, 19:28:00 UTC
Yup! Here we go:


The other quote is from New York magazine, and I pulled both quotes from the Liberal are Cool tumblr :)


sesmo January 3 2012, 19:33:48 UTC
Thanks. Chait I know how to find, I had never heard of Noah Smith before.


manics January 3 2012, 18:11:52 UTC
this is really interesting, thanks for posting it!


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