Trump's Toupee To Embark On Presidential Run, Still More Qualified Than Current GOP Ticket

Dec 26, 2011 04:46

Trump leaves Republican Party after debate snubWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Businessman and reality TV personality Donald Trump has left the Republican Party, changing his voter registration to independent in his home state of New York, in a move that could facilitate a potential third-party presidential run in 2012, U.S. media reported on Friday ( Read more... )

oh not this shit again, election 2012, guess who, trolls gone wild, reaction .gif post, usa, lol wut, republicans, how to win friends and influence people, puttin the ontd in ontd_political, presidential candidates

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Comments 25

screamingintune December 26 2011, 11:07:18 UTC
lol I'm still amused at what a failure his attempt to moderate a debate was


hinoema December 26 2011, 11:54:40 UTC
A presidential run by Trump holds the potential of undermining the Republicans' quest to deny Obama a second four-year term as president.

For this reason alone, I fully support this idea. Now if Ron Paul wakes up and realizes that the Republicans don't want him either and does the same thing, that would be marvelous.


fofomazuzu December 26 2011, 12:18:07 UTC
Doesn't he have a book out or something? Is that not why he's all of a sudden back in the politosphere?


lovedforaday December 26 2011, 12:46:16 UTC
and the Apprentice will be back this spring. he will probably claim he'll announce his decision to run or not during the Apprentice finale like he did last year.


lovedforaday December 26 2011, 12:48:59 UTC
this is ridiculous, Trump is not running for anything. He would never willingly disclose how much he's really worth, hell would freeze over first.


rex_dart December 26 2011, 18:56:31 UTC
Haha, I actually didn't know much at all about him aside from the terribly obvious until I read Cracked's article on him and now that I have, I agree that he does have a vested interest in not having his financial shit come out on national TV.


beoweasel December 27 2011, 02:18:53 UTC
Holy shit...that list.


rex_dart December 27 2011, 02:20:40 UTC
I've been thinking about posting the article here just so we all have an excuse to rip Trump apart, but I've kind of been saving it for a special occasion when he does something really fucking stupid again.


layweed December 26 2011, 13:57:43 UTC
Oh boo fucking hoo Trump. He strikes me as the type of person who really can't take criticism. He'd be a horrible president if only because of that. Can you imagine him going on his radio program as president and dissing people like it's 2nd grade? Ugh.


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