Stem Cell Tales from the Crypt

Dec 03, 2011 20:33

The Vatican’s Enduring Effort to Steer Scientific Research Toward Its Moral WorldviewWell, OK, truth be told, I did not actually see a crypt during my visit to the Vatican last week. I did get to eat dinner in the Casina of Pope Pius IV, a wonderful home finished in 1562 that sits inside a gorgeous garden inside the Vatican that now houses the ( Read more... )

catholic church, science, stem cell research

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Comments 5

cyranothe2nd December 4 2011, 04:53:53 UTC
The Vatican is amoral and dishonest? I am shocked.


keeperofthekeys December 4 2011, 05:29:04 UTC
oh my god they are fucking cells. cells


magus_69 December 4 2011, 07:42:24 UTC
Soylent Green is people. Stem cells are not.


tabaqui December 4 2011, 19:37:24 UTC
I don't actually care how much the Vatican thinks adult stem cell research is great. Jayzus - get your religion out of my science, please.


lizzy_someone December 4 2011, 22:07:06 UTC
Specifically, can stem cell research proceed with the blessing of religion?

1. Yeah, actually, here's how it can happen: religious leaders can give their blessing for stem cell research to proceed. I don't see what's so hard about this question.

2. Irrelevant much? If stem cell research is happening (or abortion or gay marriage or anything else), I don't actually give a fuck how the Pope or any other religious leader feels about it. And neither should public policy makers.


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