Heavy Turbulence for Canada's F-35 Fighters Buy

Nov 25, 2011 22:46

It's a foolish pilot who flies into a gathering storm. Yet that's exactly where the Harper government is headed with its plan to replace Canada's CF-18 fighter jets. As Associate Defence Minister Julian Fantino told an audience in Texas earlier this month: "We will purchase the F-35. We're on record. We're part of the crusade. We're not backing ( Read more... )

canada, military, spending

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Comments 3

radname November 26 2011, 18:16:24 UTC
I can't believe our government is even considering buying these things? I would have way more respect if the Conservatives would just say you know what, these are pieces of shit, lets look at something else. And people who don't support this are anti-troops apparently according to the government. God I wish they'd stay away from US-style politics.


romp November 26 2011, 21:00:42 UTC
God I wish they'd stay away from US-style politics.

I agree. Nothing good can come of it. If someone wants that sort of environment of power-grabs, they should just move there.


magus_69 November 27 2011, 08:00:55 UTC
So these planes are pieces of shit? I knew it. I knew it. I FUCKING knew it.


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