Occupy protest critics exploit anti-Semitism

Oct 16, 2011 10:58

Occupy protest critics exploit anti-Semitism
Panicked conservatives are labeling the Occupy protests as 'anti-Semitic' in an attempt to break up the movement.
Source - Al Jazeera
MJ Rosenberg
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2011 10:12An ugly old tradition is back: Exploiting anti-Semitism to break the backs of popular movements that threaten the power of the ( Read more... )

al-jazeera, occupywallstreet, anti-semitism

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Comments 55

idk idk leprofessional October 16 2011, 22:17:23 UTC
This article is all over the place tbh...

Yeah there is some ugly anti-Semestism that arises every time there is discussion of trade/money etc. (someone was trying to "explain" to me how Goldman Sachs, Antwerp/Israel diamond trade, and Hollywood are part of this 'scheme' control the world etc. and I was like... uhh (1) yes find a few random companies and bunch them all together, I can also dig up a massive Indian cabal, and those Japanese, Chinese, Germans, Arabs, etc. (2) speaking of *actually* controlling the world, I guess the colonialists and slave-traders were all Jewish then, someone should've told the British Empire to celebrate Yom Kippur)

But at the same time a racist guy in a video is being conflated with Gaza supports the occupation of Wall street?


tinyrevolution October 16 2011, 22:32:34 UTC
Re: idk idk hammersxstrings October 16 2011, 22:57:04 UTC
I guess the colonialists and slave-traders were all Jewish then, someone should've told the British Empire to celebrate Yom Kippur

... )


Re: idk idk celtic_thistle October 17 2011, 01:50:58 UTC
Ten ♥


tinyrevolution October 16 2011, 22:21:36 UTC

bord_du_rasoir October 16 2011, 22:25:25 UTC
lightbird777 October 16 2011, 22:31:05 UTC
Thanks for posting this.


ladypolitik October 16 2011, 22:45:47 UTC
Well, well, well.


bord_du_rasoir October 16 2011, 22:47:50 UTC
I know TYT can be hit or miss, but here they're on point. They actually did research / came from a place of knowledge to directly address the issue.


doe_witch October 16 2011, 22:38:21 UTC
This is just so... wacky. Don't get me wrong, I seriously side-eye the Ron Paul people and the LaRouchites and the various other absurd contingents who have latched onto this movement, and who do have anti-Semitic tendencies, but this is a ridiculously diverse movement, unlike the Tea Party. There are tons of Jews involved. And what Rush said kind of says all I need to know about this conservative "critique"- if you say Jews are clearly disappointed in Obama, #OWS, or what have you because it's an attack on the monetary/financial system, then that statement's perpetuating the Protocols conspiracy theory on its own. I just have to roll my eyes at conservative concern-trolling like this. Right-wing fundies are only ever interested in catering to Jews and Israel because of biblical prophecy horseshit, not because they have any actual love for the Jewish people.

tldr- I have my criticisms/concerns re: the language used to critique Israel and so on, but that is tangential to this issue here. What the actual fuck is this.


hammersxstrings October 16 2011, 22:45:05 UTC
Yeah, i find this to be something that's being focused on just to smear the campaign. There are thousands of people who are taking part in these protests, and they're focusing in on a few examples and trying to generalize, which imo, right or left, is always dangerous. No bueno kids. I've not even seen or heard any anti-semitic stuff, and i've been following the whole thing pretty closely from the beginning (vids, new twitter account just for it, etc). I've heard the claims of it, and I think the news may have showed like, a clip, but I've never seen or heard something directly from the protests themselves (ie not through a media's filter)


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