America's 13 Deficits That Have Lead Up to OWS: Part 2 of 4 - Physical Deficits

Oct 15, 2011 08:34

America's 13 Deficits That Have Lead Up to OWS: Part 2 of 4 - Physical Deficits

America needs a new New Deal
Since Roosevelt's era, infrastructure, manufacturing and the viability of our ecosystem have declined dramatically.
Source - Al Jazeera
Paul Rosenberg Last Modified: 27 Sep 2011 15:21Because the US government, media and political class ( Read more... )

al-jazeera, economy, occupywallstreet, environment, opinion piece, economics, debt, new deal

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Comments 1

mastadge October 15 2011, 14:17:29 UTC
Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately these arguments will always fall on deaf ears, particularly the latter. Infrastructure people usually agree is necessary, but will often decide that it's not worth the expense to upgrade from what we have now, because they don't look at it in terms of building toward future growth, but rather in terms of spending money when we're already operating on a financial deficit for what, in their mind's eyes, they often only really recognize as aesthetic changes.

Ecoservice protection, however, is an impossible sell. The vast majority of people still seem to believe that "nature" was put here by God to serve us (when they think of such services provided by nature at all, which is rare), and therefore take it completely for granted that it will always be here. These are resources that people won't recognize as such until they're gone or at least changed into a state of much lower productivity.


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