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Comments 10

origamicage October 3 2011, 22:19:26 UTC
This whole wall street thing....

Really, It Gets Better? It does? All I see is I get to look forward to unemployed and debt and sickness because I won't be able to afford health insurance and I have too many pre existing conditions anyway.

All I see is a complete shit future. I wish people would stop telling me it gets better. I'm 20 now, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get through college, both because of money and mental health issues.

It's not going to get better anytime soon. ESPECIALLY if a republican is elected. It will get even worse.


ecrivais October 3 2011, 22:24:08 UTC
Republican or Democrat, it won't get better because we don't have a voice because we don't have lobbying groups to back us up and give "gifts" to congresspeople.

I'm completely fed up with the government. It really is going to be pretty much the same no matter who is in office. Sure there would be more social freedoms with a Dem, but I am just so exhausted with seeing shit like the Keystone XL pipeline get approval because of all the seducing that goes on in Washington in regards to $$$$


origamicage October 3 2011, 22:25:40 UTC
Well I know that. I just think it would be even worse socially and economically with a Republican.


ecrivais October 3 2011, 22:31:42 UTC
socially, yeah, economically? probably not all that much different.



ecrivais October 3 2011, 22:21:04 UTC


zombiebat October 3 2011, 22:32:48 UTC
smh so much. i hate it when these assholes pull the "freedom" card.


dawn9476 October 3 2011, 23:06:25 UTC
Who knew that not wanting the Wall Street to use our tax dollars as their own personal slush fund was anti-freedom. ::SMH::


angelus7988 October 4 2011, 16:50:53 UTC
Well remember, some people are freer than others, as the invisible hand of God ordains it. Some have the freedom to have obscene amounts of money, while the rest have the freedom to a soul-draining job that they should be grateful for or to starve. It's quite simple, really.


mingemonster October 4 2011, 05:38:55 UTC
...under Marx?


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