Suicide Bombing in Indonesia

Sep 25, 2011 18:41

SOLO, Indonesia - A suicide bomber attacked a packed Indonesian church on Sunday killing at least one person, wounding several others and sending terrified worshippers rushing out into the streets ( Read more... )

islam, christianity, indonesia

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Comments 4

mswyrr September 25 2011, 13:12:38 UTC
Human rights groups also expressed outrage after a member of the Ahmadiyah sect, which are regarded as heretics by some conservative Muslims, was sentenced to six months for defending himself and others from a lynch mob which killed three of his friends.

The sentence was the same or stiffer than those handed out to 12 Islamic extremists who led the mob in the February rampage.

... )


violet_crumble9 September 25 2011, 13:46:57 UTC
i used to live near solo, in yogya.
this is so sad.


leprofessional September 25 2011, 19:24:32 UTC
wtf... crazy bastards. >:'(


romp September 25 2011, 19:31:24 UTC
Isn't this where the most extreme of Islamic extremists are? I recall reading that Google Earth has large areas of Indonesia blanked out, presumably because this sort of thing.

Woefully undereducated about this but I do notice that this doesn't seem to have changed over at least a decade. I guess that's the nature of religious wars?


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