UBS trader in $2 billion loss on Unauthorized Trade

Sep 15, 2011 09:58

LONDON/ZURICH, Sep. 15, 2011 (Reuters) - Swiss bank UBS said a trader had lost it around $2 billion in unauthorized deals, and police in London arrested 31-year-old Kweku Adoboli in connection with the case ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, fraud, people suck, fuck this guy, godwins law, banking

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Comments 6

Mod note. rex_dart September 15 2011, 17:04:31 UTC
Your other submission was missing its tags. Please add the source link to this one.


Re: Mod note. eyetosky September 15 2011, 19:33:14 UTC
D'oh. Thanks.


jamesq September 15 2011, 17:13:30 UTC
Do they reprimand/arrest guys who make unauthorized trades that are successful, or only the ones that lose the company billions of dollars? If so, the problem isn't going to go away because the message isn't "don't do anything illegal", it's "don't lose and don't get caught."


or only the ones that lose the company billions of dollars? evildevil September 15 2011, 18:19:04 UTC
what do you think? I bet they look away when the deal is profitable and they get a cut, but when things go awry, of course they would need a fall guy to take the blame.


evildevil September 15 2011, 18:17:48 UTC
"(This) is a staggering demonstration that all the clever systems that the banks now have, especially after the financial crisis, still cannot stop a determined individual getting round them if they want to,"

clearly this means we need LESS regulations, dont worry, the invisible hand of the free market will fix it!


romp September 16 2011, 00:46:56 UTC
shit, you're right--I bet there are people saying that right now :(


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