Noam Chomsky: What we should have done after 9/11

Sep 08, 2011 20:28

We are approaching the 10th anniversary of the horrendous atrocities of September 11, 2001, which, it is commonly held, changed the world. On May 1st, the presumed mastermind of the crime, Osama bin Laden, was assassinated in Pakistan by a team of elite US commandos, Navy SEALs, after he was captured, unarmed and undefended, in Operation Geronimo.

A ( Read more... )

iraq, chile, al qaeda, muslims, military, islamophobia, taliban, world war 2, 9/11, george (h.)w. bush / bush family, war on terror, barack obama, osama bin laden, noam chomsky, latin america, important issues, usa, islam

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calybe September 9 2011, 22:58:22 UTC
There is much talk of bin Laden's "confession," but that was a boast, not a confession, with as much credibility as my "confession" that I won the Boston marathon. The boast tells us a lot about his character, but nothing about his responsibility for what he regarded as a great achievement, for which he wanted to take credit.

What Chomsky is arguing is that Bin Laden should have been put on trial and not simply assassinated as then those who question whether he really was the mastermind behind 9/11 could get some clarification. As he said in the article, the US has said it has evidence against him, but has not revealed it, which leads to a lot of conspiracy theories and further radicalisation. I think perhaps some people would finally obtain the closure they needed after it as well.

Even the Nazis in the Nuremberg trial were detained and given a trial for the atrocities they committed as stated in this part of the article: We might also do well to recall Jackson's eloquent words at Nuremberg on the principle of universality: "If ( ... )


stormqueen280 September 9 2011, 00:45:53 UTC
I read the original 9-11 book last month. Excellent reading.


Noam Chomsky dangomango September 9 2011, 00:54:51 UTC
is this the guy pretentious people/hipsters like? recommend me something he's written that doesn't suck please


Re: Noam Chomsky calybe September 9 2011, 23:08:13 UTC
I don't know if it's your intention, but your comment comes off as rather condescending.

Isn't it pretentious to assume that someone is a person that only pretentious people/hipsters like?

If you would like to know more about Chomsky you have Wikipedia at your service. Here is his website, where you will find his articles, excerpts from his books, etc, where you can get a taste of his writing.


i like your icon dangomango September 11 2011, 20:48:01 UTC
Isn't it pretentious to assume that someone is a person that only pretentious people/hipsters like?


this day shall go down in infamy as the day you were condescended to on the internet. I hope it doesn't traumatize you too much :3

Seriously though thanks for the links, don't know if I will check them out, but life has a way of throwing me curve balls!!!


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