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Comments 6

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brewsternorth August 23 2011, 13:56:03 UTC
Nods. Or like the upheaval in Scientology after LRH's death, the upshot of which was David Miscavige.


sesmo August 23 2011, 07:03:08 UTC
To summarize: Jeffs' congregation still maintains its beliefs, but one of the many former members has declared himself an alternative messiah. This should be good, in that "hope it doesn't turn into a holy war" kind of way.


moropus August 23 2011, 13:01:17 UTC
After all, you can count on a woman being fertile until 45 or 50. Giving up those years from 12 to 16 to stay out of jail is such a small thing, really.

This inter- sect war could heat up into something really violent. Plowing crops this time of year is very ugly and ruins a family's entire year.


bathstone August 23 2011, 13:10:27 UTC
FLDS freaks me out so much. Whenever I watch news clips of the women, they sound so dead and brainwashed. It's horrifying.


serendipity_15 August 23 2011, 14:17:10 UTC
Under the Banner of Heaven will disturb you even more but the book is SO good.


arisma August 23 2011, 13:32:13 UTC
Well, THIS guy who claimed to speak for god ended up being all sorts of shady but I'm sure THAT guy is the real deal. Anything's better than having to figure stuff out for themselves, right?


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