Birmingham riots: intense anger after deaths of three young men

Aug 10, 2011 19:39

Community leaders appeal for calm after three British Asians rammed by carload of suspected looters in Winson Green

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deaths, uk riots

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Comments 56

hammersxstrings August 10 2011, 19:22:27 UTC
so sad :( i hope they find the people who were driving the car.


ditdatdo August 10 2011, 19:35:20 UTC
Police have arrested a 32 year old man on suspicion of murder. Think I read elsewhere that it was last night, close to the scene.


lickety_split August 10 2011, 20:07:19 UTC
Btw, I really admired your diligence in the mothership on that London riots post.


hammersxstrings August 10 2011, 20:22:05 UTC
lmao here or on ONTD? its just frustrating how people are like OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY


but thanks :)


velvetunicorn August 10 2011, 19:57:29 UTC
So sad.


echoandsway August 10 2011, 20:00:03 UTC
This is just terrible. Tragic.

I read this article earlier, about a largely-Turkish neighborhood successfully defending their property against rioters. The idea of some of the rioting "potentially having an ugly race dimension" isn't surprising; it's a reminder that in anything this big, it's not one group with one aim, it's several -- and there are plenty of opportunists, as well. The danger lies in generalizing *all* or even most participants as being the same "type" and having the same motives, which I imagine various press and politicians and others are wont to do...thus thoroughly not learning any lessons from this.


chrys20 August 10 2011, 20:04:45 UTC
Right. Many of the shopowners were British Asian. Many of the looters were black and white, I don't think any of them were Asian. Lumping everybody under 'POCs' doesn't exactly help the discussion.

And the fact is, that my knee-jerk reaction is to extend sympathy to the Asian shopkeepers, rather than the supposedly disenfranchised youth.


lickety_split August 10 2011, 20:09:48 UTC
Am I misreading your comment or is that last part an easy jab at poor black people?


quizblorg August 10 2011, 21:44:24 UTC
I think it's a jab at violent assholes, of both the black and the Caucasioan variety, some of which have just killed three men in what appears to be a racially-motivated hate crime.


wherezmyprozac August 10 2011, 20:01:50 UTC
oh my god :'(


lickety_split August 10 2011, 20:15:26 UTC
Damn, every story is more horrifying than the next. Is the PM planning on doing anything? I mean, like, what is the guv'ment talking about doing about this??

Is anyone else having a hard time finding satisfactory news coverage of this in the States? They talk about it for 3 seconds and then move on. "Oh, yeah, LONDON IS BURNING HUR HUR HUR... and now on to something else".


devilstay August 10 2011, 20:23:49 UTC
Try going on the BBC news website, they have life updates and all.

I'd also like to add, that out PM, is completely and utterly useless. It would have been more helpful, for him to have stayed on his holiday and not come back tbh. This riot is bad enough, without his hypocritical fave, all over the place.


hammersxstrings August 10 2011, 20:30:43 UTC
because rehashing stuff we already know is more important about world issues, apparently...our news stations make me roll my eyes. the Protests in Egypt really opened my eyes to that. now i use twitter (i know, i know), aljazeera, and other sites to gather it.


ghost_busting August 10 2011, 20:58:42 UTC
Lol, the Tories? Do something to help the working class? Don't be ridiculous! Seriously though, the gov't are refusing to back down from or lessen the austerity measures they're taking, so...pffft.

Unless you're talking about the riots themselves in which case he's given the authorities permission to use water-cannons where they're available.


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